vocational training adjusting school catastrophe adjusting school insurance claims adjusting courseVocational Training Adjusting School

Are you looking for the right insurance adjusting school? Then you might want to check out VAS for your vocational training adjusting school needs. VAS or Veteran Adjusting School is an interactive training program that fully trains its students to be job ready for insurance adjusting on day one of graduation. VAS has 100% graduation rate and over 95% job placement rate for its graduates.

CAT Adjusting

After a major storm or catastrophic event occurs (hurricane, flood, wildfire, etc.), insurance agencies will send CAT adjusters to the storm site to assess the damages to calculate how much compensation their customers are entitled to under their policy.


Veteran Adjusting School concentrates mainly on training CAT adjusters because it is the most rewarding type of insurance adjusting. Catastrophe or CAT adjusters average between $70k – $100k in 6 – 9 months during the storm season. They are self-employed and independently contracted by insurance agencies to perform inspections throughout the affected regions. These adjusters will spend weeks to months in the region as they close claims for the agencies they represent.


VAS Partners

Why does VAS have over 19 insurance partners that hire their graduates right out of school? There are 2 major reasons why VAS turns out such a high level of adjusters.


  1. The vocational training adjusting school program designed by VAS is so interactive and comprehensive that graduates are licensed, trained, and ready to perform high-level inspections.
  2. 2. VAS isn’t looking for students. They are looking for commitment. Catastrophe adjusters must be hard-working, organized, self-motivated, and dedicated in order to be successful. That is why VAS only accepts students that are committed to providing high quality work product for the agencies that contract them as well as the customers they are performing the inspections for.


Catastrophe adjusting is a rewarding but challenging career. Do you have what it takes?

Vocational Training Adjusting School Veteran Adjusting School - Catastrophic Insurance Claims Adjuster Training

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